Run Commands

A run command on an operating system such as: Microsoft Windows and Unix like systems are used to directly open an application or document whose path is known. To access the run command, the user has to follow the below given steps:

  1. Go to Configuration -> Actions -> Run Commands.
Figure 87: Run Command Option

3. On clicking the run command option, the run commands screen will be displayed as shown in the below figure:

Figure 88: Run Commands
  1. In the Run Command window, it displays the following attribute:


Run Commands on Server

  • Tier Name: In this attribute, the user should be able to select a saved tier name from the drop-down list.
  • Server Name: In this attribute, the user should be able to select saved server name based on the tier selection.
  • Group Name: In this attribute, the user should be able to select saved group names from the drop-down list based on the server name. There are following list of group names which a user can select from the given drop-down:
    • Custom Group
    • Archival
    • CavMon Command
    • File System
    • Memory Management
    • Network Management
    • Process Management
    • System Commands
    • System Management


  • Custom Group: In this attribute, the user should be able to select the save command name from the drop-down list based on group name listed below:
  • Archival: Achieving is the process of combining multiple files and directories into one file. It should usually be used as part of a system backup or when moving data from one system to another. In archival, the user can use the following two commands:
  • Create Tar: In this attribute, the user should be able to create the tar based on selection of the following compressed/uncompressed checkbox, Absolute Target Path and Absolute Source Path.
  • Compress/Uncompress: If a user selects this checkbox, it will compress the tar.
  • Absolute Target Path: In this field, the user has to provide the target path.
  • Absolute Source Path: In this field, the user has to provide the source path.
  • Extract Tar: In this attribute, the user should be able to extract the tar. In extract tar, the user can use the following commands:
  • Verbose: Select this checkbox to extract the tar.
  • Compress/Uncompress: If a user selects this checkbox, it will compress the tar.
  • Absolute Target Path: In this field, the user has to provide the target path.
  • Absolute Source Path: In this field, the user has to provide the source path.
  • CavMon Command: By selecting this command from group name, user should display the output based on selection of command name. In CavMon command, the user can use the following three commands:
  • CavMonAgent Stats: In this, the user should display the stats of CavMon agent.
  • CavMonAgent Status: In this, the user should display the status of CavMon agent.
  • CavMonAgent Version: In this, the users should be able to display the version of the CavMon Agent.
  • File System: A file system is a structured collection of files on a disk drive or a partition. By selecting file system from group name, user should display the output based on selection of command name. In File System command, the user can use the following commands:
  • List of Open Files: It should be used to list the information about the files that should be opened by various processes.
  • Locate: By using this command, users should be able to search the files and directories by their names. In locate, the user has to provide the following:
  • Pattern: Users should be able to search the files and directories by giving any pattern in this text box.
  • Make Directory: By using this command, the users should be able to create or make new directories. In make directory, the user has to provide the following:
  • Pattern: Users should be able to search the files and directories by giving any pattern in this text box.
  • Absolute Directory Path: Users have to enter the absolute directory path where they want to create a new directory.
  • Move File: Users should be able to move the file from one place to another. In move file, the user has to provide the following:
  • Absolute File Name 1: Enter the file name the user wants to move.
  • Absolute File Name 2: Enter the name of the file system where the user wants to move the file.
  • Remove File: Users should be able to delete the file by using the remove file command. In remove file, the user has to provide the following:
  • Recursive Deletion: By selecting this, the user should be able to remove multiple directories at once.
  • Force Deletion: Select this checkbox to delete the directory forcefully.
  • Absolute File Name to be Deleted: Enter the file name to be deleted.
  • Touch: Users should be able to create, change and modify the Timestamps by using this command. In touch, the user has to provide the following:
  • Absolute Path of File: Enter the absolute path of the file.
  • Copy a File: Users should be able to copy a file by using this command. In copy a file option, the user has to provide the following:
  • Absolute path of file to be copied: Enter the absolute path of the file to be copied.
  • Absolute path of new file: Enter the absolute path of a new file where the user wants to copy.
  • Memory Management: It should be used to manage the memory in the system. In Memory Management command, the user can use the following commands:
  • Disk Usage: It should be used to check the information on disk usage of files and directories available on a machine.
  • Human Readable Format: Select the checkbox, it should print the sizes in a human readable format (e.g. 3K,12M, 2G). 
  • Display Number of Inodes: By selecting this, the user should be able to display the number of nodes. 
  • File Usage: It should be used to check the information of disk usage of files and directories on a machine. File usage should be a part of disk usage. 
  • Summarize: It will show the summary of the command used.
  • Human Readable Format: Select the checkbox, it should print the sizes in human readable format (e.g. 3K,12M, 2G).
  • Absolute File Path:  Enter the absolute path of a file.
  • Network Management: Network manager is a daemon that sits on the top of libudev and other Linux kernel interface and provides a high level interface for the configuration of the network interface. In Network Management command, the user can use the following commands:
  • Netstat: It should be used to monitor network connections both incoming and outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface, and statistics.
  • Show Numeric Address: It should display the numeric address.
  • Show All: It should display all the network connections (listening/non-listening) on a system.
  • TCP: On selecting this, it should display all the TCP connections.
  • Show Process ID: It should display all the process id.
  • Process Management: It is the series of tasks a System Administrator completes to monitor, manage and maintain instances of running applications.
  • Process List: It should display the list of processes running in the system.
  • Select All Process: It should display all the processes.
  • Full Format: By selecting this, it should display the full format.
  • Long List: By selecting this checkbox, it will list all the process running in current working directory.
  • Show Threads: By selecting this, it should display all the threads of the process.
  • Short Line: It should be used to short the lines of text files.
  • Numeric Short: By selecting this, it should sort the numeric processes.
  • Absolute File Path: Enter the absolute file path.
  • Top: It should track the running process id on the machine of top command based on the number of iterations given.
  • Iterations: It should give the output of the process is based on the given number of iterations i.e.: 1,5,10.
  • System Commands: System commands should be executable binaries which utilizes the system call to do a particular task.


  • Present Working Directory: It is the current directory on which the user is working.
  • Word Count: It should display the count in files on the basis of below options:
  • Line Number: It should display the number of lines.
  • Number of Words: It should display the number of words.
  • Number of Characters: It should display the number of characters.
  • File Name: Here the user has to enter the file name.


  • System Management: In System Management, it will show the details about the system. In system management, the user can use the following commands:
  • System Information: Users should be able to display the system information.
  • All: By selecting this checkbox, it should display all the information.
  • System Date: User should be able to display the system date.
  • Up Time: User should be able to display the uptime.

Repeat Settings

Repeat should display based on the time interval. In this option, there are following fields:

  • Repeat Command For: Here the user has to mention the number of times the command is to be repeated.
  • Time (s) on interval (sec): Here the user has to mention the time interval after which the commands will be repeated. The user has to specify the value for time in Seconds (sec).

Output Filter Settings

  1. In the output filter setting, the user should be able to search after entering the text in the search text box.
  2. User can select any one of the following options from the given drop-down:
  • Show Top:
  • Show Bottom:
  1. User can provide the number as per their requirement.
  2. On clicking the Save Output on Server checkbox, the user will be able to save the output on the server.

Command Output

In command output, a user can change the output of the command and its delimiter as per there requirement. A user can perform the following operations in the command output window which are listed below:

  1. Change View Type: User can change the view type by selecting the type from the given drop-down. There are following two types of view:
  • Text: In this option, the user can see the output in text format.
  • Tabular: In this option, the user can see the output in the tabular format. In tabular format, the user can also select the delimeter as per there need. There are following delimeter which a user can user are listed below:
  • Space
  • Tab
  • Pipe
  • Special Characters such as: (#, $, , , :, ;, and /).
    1. Download Command Output: A user can also download the command output by clicking on the Download

Note: The command output will be downloaded as per the View Type selected by the user.

  1. Minimize/Maximize Output Panel: A user can also minimize and maximize the output panel by clicking on the Minimize/Maximize Output Panel
  2. Delete Command Output: A user can also delete the output panel by clicking on the Delete Command Output   
  3. Server Name: The server name displays the name of the server used. The user should be able to select saved server name based on the tier selection.
  4. Command Name: The command name displays the name of the command. The user should be able to select the saved command name from the drop-down list based on the group name.
  5. Server Time: The server time shows the current time of the server along with the date.

Create Task

Create Task adds the current command that the user has just fired from UI as a Task. To add a task, first run a command and click the Create Task  button. The Create Task window will be displayed as shown in the below figure

Figure 89: Create Task Window

Enter the task name and task description. Then, click the Create Task  button, a confirmation message should be popped up stating that the task has been save.

Figure 90: Confirmation Message

Note: The created task should be re-run after a specific interval of time or on any date through Scheduler Commands.


Scheduler Management

The already created task should be listed in the scheduler management window, which a user can access by clicking on the Scheduler Management  button. By clicking on the scheduler management button, the Scheduler Management window is displayed as shown in the below figure.

Figure 91: Scheduler Management Window

In the Scheduler Management Window, there are following attributes which are listed below:

  • Task Name: In this attribute, the user can see the already created task name.
  • Description: In this attribute, the user can see the description of the task.
  • Schedule Time: In this attribute, the user can see the scheduled time of the task.
  • Schedule Expiry Time: In this attribute, the user can see the expiry of the schedule task.
  • Status: In this attribute, the user can see whether the task is scheduled or not.
  • Actions: The user can perform the following actions in the schedule manager window:
  • Enable/ Disable: User can enable or disable a task.
  • Delete: User can delete a particular task.


  • To re-run a scheduled task, click over the specific task to be re-runed. A user can schedule the task either on monthly, weekly, hourly or custom
  • To schedule a task, the user has to select the required tab and provide the details accordingly. After providing the details, the user has to specify the expiry date on the Schedule Expiry Date option and has click on the Save button . To close the window, the user can click on the Close  button.


In the Edit/View section, the user can view the System Defined Commands and User Defined Commands. To view the system defined commands and user defined commands, the user has to click on the Edit/View  button on the Run Commands window.

On clicking the edit/view button, the Commands Library window will open as shown in the below figure.

Figure 92: Commands Library Window

In the Commands Library Window, there are following two tabs which are listed below:

  • System Defined Commands.
  • User Defined Commands.

System Defined Commands

System defined commands are those commands which are predefined commands present on the system and are being executed on the system. Refer to Figure 92. In the system defined commands, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Group Name: It is the name of the derived metric group.
  • Command Display Name: It is the name of the command which is being displayed.
  • Actual Command: It is the command which the user is actually executing.
  • Role: It specifies the type of role the command will perform such as: All, Standard and Admin.
  • Server Type: It is the type of the server on which the command is being executed such as: Linux, Windows etc.
  • Filter Keyword: It is used for apply filters to show from top or bottom.
  • View Type: It is the result after executing the command. It is viewed in two ways: Tabular or Text.
  • Is Header Contains: In this option, the user can include or exclude the header contains.
  • Separator: It is used to show any Space, Tab or Pipe present in the command.
  • CommandUIArgs: Commands sent from UI to backend to perform operations.
  • Max Inline Arguments: It is the number of lines in which the result of the command is displayed.
  • Description: It describes the commands executed.


  1. User can also perform the following operations which are listed below:
  • Edit: This option is used for editing an existing command. To edit a command, a user can click on the Edit icon.
  • Delete: This option is used for deleting a command. To delete a command, a user can click on the Delete icon.
    1. User can also close the System Default Commands window by clicking on the Close button. 

User Defined Commands

User defined commands are those commands which are defined by a user to execute a particular process over a system. A user can also add a user defined commands, save a command and apply a toggle filter.

Adding a User Defined Command

To add a user defined command, the user has to click on the Add  button and needs to provide the following details in the Add Command window:

Figure 93: Add Command Window

In the Add Command Window, there are following options which are listed below:

  • Command Info Options
  • Command Output Display Options
  • Preferences
  • Description

Command Info Options

This option provides the information about the command used. There are following fields which are listed below:

  • Group Name: In this field, the user can select the name of the group to be used.
  • Command Display Name: In this field, the user has to provide the name of the command which is displayed.
  • Actual Command Name: In this field, the user has to provide the actual name to be used for the command.
  • Filter Keyword: In this field, the user can provide the keyword for filtering out the command.


Command Output Display Option

This option is used for providing the command output display options. There are following fields which are listed below:

  • Separator: In this field, the user has to select the type of separator which they want to use. There following separators which a user can use are listed below:
    1. Tab
    2. Space
    3. Comma
    4. Pipe
    5. Semicolon
    6. Hash
    7. Colon
    8. Dollar
    9. Dash
    10. BackSlash
  • Max Inline Arguments: In this field, the user has to provide the maximum value for the inline arguments.
  • Is Header Contains: In this option, the user can include or exclude the header contains
  • View Type: In this field, the user has to select the view type from the given drop-down. The user can either select Text or Tabular


There are two types of preferences that the user can select which are listed below:

  • Role: In this field, the user has to select the type of role. There are following three types of role which a user can select from the given drop-down which are listed below:
  • Standard
  • Admin
  • All
  • Server Type: In this field, the user has to select the type of server which they want to use. There are following types of server which a user can use are listed below:
  • Linux
  • LinuxEx
  • Solaris
  • Window
  • AIX_Shared_LPAR
  • AIX_Dedicated_LPAR

Note: After the user has filled up all the required details in the respective fields, the user has to click on the Add button to add the details in the description field.



In this field, the user has to provide some description for the command which is being added. In the description, there are following fields which are listed below:

  • Button Type: In this option, the user can select the type of the button which they want to use. There are following options that the user can use are listed below:
  • TextBox
  • TextBox Numeric
  • Spinner
  • ListBox
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • Label: In this option, the user has to provide a name for the command.
  • Command Arguments: In this option, the user has to pass an argument for the respective command.
  • Default Value: In this option, the user has to provide a default value for the argument.
  • Min Value: In this option, the user has to provide the minimum value to be used for pass an argument.
  • Max Value: In this option, the user has to provide the maximum value to be used for pass an argument.
  • List: Select enable or disable as per the requirement.
  • Action: This option is used to perform any action on the added command. In action, the user can delete a particular command form the list. To delete a command, the user has to click on the Delete   icon. 


  1. Once the user has added the command in the description field, the user can either click on Apply button to add the command. If the user does not want to add the command, the user can click on the Close  button. 
  2. User can also save the command on the server. To save the command, the user has to click on the Save icon. Once the user clicks on the save icon, a success message will appear as shown in the below figure:
Figure 94: Success Message
  1. User can also filter the data as per requirement by clicking on the Toggle Filter icon and can search for a particular command.


The run option will run the command as per the selection made by choosing the server and command group “type” along with the command. To execute the run command, the user has to click on the Run  button.


The reset option will reset all the selected fields on any page. To reset the fields, click on the Reset  button.

Memory Leak Analyzer (Memory Profiling)

In general, a Java memory leak happens when an application unintentionally (due to logical errors in code) holds on to object references that are no longer required. These unintentional object references prevent the built-in Java garbage collection mechanism from freeing up the memory consumed by these objects.

The simplest way to detect a memory leak is also the way you’re most likely to find one: running out of memory. That’s also the worst way to discover a leak! Before you run out of memory and crash your application, you’re likely to notice your system slowing down.

To start a Memory Leak Analyzer, select an instance and click Start MemLeak Analyzer   button.

Figure 95: Memory Leak Analyzer Button

This displays the Memory Leak Analyzer window.

Figure 96: Memory Leak Analyzer Window

There are the following views of Memory Leak Analyzer:

Tabular View

In this mode, the details are displayed in the tabular format. The details include – Object type, growth rate, heap usage, size, delta size, count, and delta count.

Figure 97: Tabular View


  • You can filter the records based on various columns and use operators as well, such as, <, >, ==, >=, <=.
  • You can filter the records, based on the sample interval in seconds.

Chart View

This is the representation of memory leak details in the graphical format (chart format). This displays the heap usage of top 10 objects with their percentage. You can download the chart in various formats by using the Chart Context menu .

Figure 98: Chart View

Filter: You can filter the records based on the sample interval in seconds.


This displays the Heap usage comparison between top 10 objects. The details are displayed in bar chart format. You can download the chart in various formats by using the Chart Context menu .

Figure 99: Compare